Have you ever been in a position that you have to come up with an introduction to yourself? It's weird, right?!
Bare with this incredibly reserved individual with stage fright as I give you the scoop on me… I’m Niki, 36 years old, I was born and raised in Florida and now enjoy the beautiful scenery of Greer, SC with my son (sporting some EXP swag below) and adorable pup… he’s a big 🏈 fan.
Need pictures? Videos? Graphic for your site to promote a product? Do you see something that needs work on our websites? Have a marketing project you want to team up on? I’m here to help!

What was your childhood dream job?
A Nurse, until I found out blood made me queasy
What is your favorite season?
Football season! Just kidding… I love the fall. Growing up in Florida, when the leaves changed they weren’t coming back.
I prefer the outdoors and love hiking Table Rock but you can usually find me with friends/family
What do people find surprising about you?
I was named after the NY Knicks… full disclosure, my first name is Knickole
What super power would you want & why?
The power to slow down time. Who wouldn't appreciate some extra time to savor the good moments?
What TV show are you watching?
Yellowjackets… watcher beware! This show is crazy upon crazy